Apícola Solven

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[title text=»Apícola Solven is a third generation family business»]



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Apicola solven

[title text=»Apícola Solven is a third generation family business» tag_name=»h1″]

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Apícola Solven is a third generation family business based in Fuenlabrada de los Montes (Badajoz-Extremadura, Spain).

It is entirely dedicated to the production, transformation, packaging and commercialisation of all products derived from the beehive.
They have more than 3,000 beehives in different areas of their region, which they manage in a sustainable and traditional way.
All their products are made with natural ingredients, without preservatives that could affect flavour or quality.
The company offers a wide range of bulk and packaged products.
-Honey in different varieties: centaury, heather, forest, holm oak, eucalyptus, orange, rosemary, thyme and honeydew.
-We also have wax, propolis, royal jelly, pollen, honey and lemon sweets, gifts, honey nuts, hygiene and beauty products, beekeeper’s suits, beekeeping machinery and all beekeeping equipment.


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[ux_video url=»https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW5I1d6VBLM»]



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+34 924 14 53 99 / +34 616 98 17 55


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    We also laminate wax for our customers: We have an automatic industrial lamination, in this type of lamination a single machine is used, which receives the molten wax from a feeder tank, which keeps it liquid at the processing temperature. The reservoir drops a thin stream of liquid wax onto the counter-rotating impression rollers, which are cooled by a stream of soapy, tempered water from an adjacent reservoir. In this way the liquid wax is immediately converted into solid wax and printed with the hexagons of the rollers; the gap between the rollers determines the thickness of the sheet.

    The result is a sheet of wax, printed with the hexagons, which falls onto a conveyor belt. There are adjustable side blades on the conveyor belt, which limit the width of the sheet to the desired setting. There is also a battery of fans to prevent excess moisture on the surface of the sheets. Further on, on the same belt, there is another blade that falls vertically on the wax sheet, with the interval to be programmed. In this way, at the end of the belt, the sheets are cut to the desired size and fall onto a table which is lowered as the weight of the sheets increases.

    This process is fully automatic. And, the rapid cooling of the wax will provide stiffer sheets.




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    Teléfonos: 924 14 53 99 / 616 98 17 55 /
    Polígono Industrial «Camino Vecinal»
    C/ Acacias,nº27 / 06660 Fuenlabrada de los Montes

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